Monday, March 21, 2011

Education commissioner says more about BIPPS interest area: Weak school superintendent evaluations

Kentucky Commissioner of Education Terry Holliday adds more ideas about the rating of superintendents – and other education staff – in his latest blog.

The commissioner says:

“As I travel the state, most administrators tell me that we need to address this broken process.”

The commissioner also admits:

“In Kentucky, we have 174 different versions of principal, teacher and superintendent evaluations.”

The commissioner’s blog additionally contains links to several interesting resources that can help local school boards improve their rating systems.

Without doubt, the system now in use for superintendent evaluations is badly broken, as the Bluegrass Institute’s recent report, “Rewarding Failure,” clearly shows. Many current evaluations lack any sort of meaningful metrics of performance. Most are just ‘rubber stamps’ to ratify whatever the superintendent is currently doing while totally ignoring student performance all together.

Few evaluations, if any, contain enough material to justify pay increases and continued employment.

Click here to read the Bluegrass Institute’s superintendent eval expose, “Rewarding Failure.”

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