Monday, July 14, 2008

Fifty thousand flushes of Lexington's toilet

Lexington taxpayers have wasted $50,000 (and counting) paying former Councilman Steve Kay to "consult" on some silly thing called Destination 2040.

This has been mentioned before, but it gets worse the more you look at it.

Time to take a look...


Anonymous said...

$50,000 would add another police officer on patrol. Public safety is neglected to throw cash at feel-good silliness.

Anonymous said...

Why should this surprise anyone? You need someone to consult that is in the inner circle of local government so they can lead discussions and the process to the 'right' answer. And they need to do it in such a way so they can say this is what the masses wanted. You have to admit this is a smart strategy. It's called manipulation. Maybe the time has come when the people are just not as dumb as they would like.

markwlowry said...

The silly foolish elected LFUCG officials can not get past payday much less 2040. These silly creatures can only dance the dance of a monkey on a rope for the organ grinders that give them peanuts of power and graft to keep them dancing.

We need to let the monkey's go and let them earn their living some other way. As for organ grinders; lets grind them up in the organ.(*Jacki Junti quote.)

We need new independent people on the council; Logan Weiler III can provide leadership we need and he is an organ grinder rather than another monkey.