Friday, July 11, 2008

Scores Up in DC Public Schools

The Washington Post does not want to give vouchers or charter schools any credit for this, but public school scores in the Washington, DC area are up.

Whether this is real improvement or just test score manipulation such as we exposed in Kentucky’s CATS system remains to be seen. However, it certainly doesn’t refute the idea that charters and vouchers could create real pressure on public schools to make meaningful reform, either.


Anonymous said...

The public school monopoly doesn't care about test scores in Kentucky. They only care about saving their jobs and waiting our the system to get their 27 years in so they can retire in luxury.

I'm fed up with the public system that languishes in mediocrity and still gets paid whether kids graduate or not.

Don't teachers have any pride?

Anonymous said...

My take on test scores is different. I think the system cares a great deal about how the scores look to the public.

The problem is, the system has developed a testing program that just "looks" good but doesn't provide an accurate picture. The system set extraordinarily low goals for 2014, allowing schools to escape all sanctions with scores as low as a 39.12 percent proficiency rate in math.

I’d love to send you the link to our report on this, but our old site continues to have infection problems, so e-mail me at if you want a copy of the paper that shows how little our school system will demand of itself in 2014.