Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Sure glad House saved Treasurer's office

You've heard all the belt-tightening blah blah blah in Frankfort all year. If the House is still looking at someplace easy to cut, they might rethink their decision to kill SB 14, the bill to shut down the Treasurer's office.

Here's a little food for thought:


Hempy said...

Why take that away from the people? So politicians like wing-nut Fletcher can appoint more wing-nuts, hayseeds and court-house cronies to those positions?

Sort of like Bush did with Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez and his wing-nut sidekick Karen Golding.

Golding has a "law degree" from Rev. Pat Robertson's wing-nut law school.

David Adams said...

As one of "the people," I'd gladly give up my right to vote for someone who gets to run a duplicative bureaucracy whose primary function is printing his name on state checks. The checks will get printed even if they don't include the name of someone who is trying to launch himself into the game of political musical chairs.