Wednesday, August 20, 2008

"Good grief!" Alert

Rep. Ben Chandler (D-Versailles), speaking on the Jack Pattie Show on WVLK AM 590 in Lexington, repeated his line about oil companies "making obscene profits at the expense of the consumers."

His apparent lack of understanding of capitalism is a perfect example of why government needs less of our money and less control over our nation.


Anonymous said...

Happy's grandson lacks any real understanding of capitalism because he has never really worked for any real length of time in the capitalist environment. He pretty much went into the gubbament cheese system right out of college for all intents and purposes.

Combining this with the fact that he is a partisan, and a liberal, one can see rather quickly that our representation in DC is not what we need or deserve.

Anonymous said...

Apparently you can say anything on the Jack Pattie show, as the host illustrated today.

This morning, Jack Pattie adding sexist comments to his repertoire. He did a skit about Senator Clinton in her hotel room the morning after her convention speech looking for her panties while some identified as not being President Clinton was in the shower.

Upon completing this offensive, juvenile skit he launched into an advertisement in his own voice for Lynn Imaging. Can you believe this creep? How can he get good companies to pay to support this sexist, misogynistic material?