Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Hoping we stay a little less stupid than Ohio

Louisville may be getting 12,000 new jobs if shipping company DHL flees Ohio. If it happens, feel free to ignore the inevitable chest thumping in the Beshear Administration.

At issue is a ballot initiative in the Buckeye state that would require small businesses in the state to give paid sick leave to all their employees. If we can just keep our noses relatively clean for a while, Kentucky could become a major beneficiary of this nonsense.

Thanks to Americans for Tax Reform for passing this one along.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great point and here's to hoping the politicians and bureaucrats continue to see the idiocy of this type of big brother legislation.

If Company A wants to offer some benefits in order to lure folks away from Company B, then that is the free market working like it is supposed to.

If Company A and Company B are forced to be exactly alike through the oppressive arm of the gubbament cheese monster, the competition between the two companies is reduced and in the end we all suffer.

What's next, telling them what salaries to pay? How ridiculous.