Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A new way to push an old agenda

If the Beshear administration starts refusing to hear consumer complaints against health insurance companies from people without high-priced full coverage, we will know where they got the idea from: Ohio.

We will keep an eye out for this and loudly protest any effort to follow the Buckeyes in refusing to assist insureds selectively. People with HSA's and high-deductible plans are not only more likely to have thought through the wisdom of buying insurance coverage for small items they can easily afford, they probably are also somewhat less likely to join the clamoring for more government control of healthcare market.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beshear could care less about health insurance or the deplorable actions of insurance companies. To date, Beshear has left open the Director of Health Insurance & Managed Care at the KY Department of Insurance. If you will not appoint someone to regulate the health insurance companies in Kentucky in the name of saving money in state government, it allows the insurers to run rampant.