Sunday, August 24, 2008

Paying kids to go "outside the system"

An extraordinary article in the Wall Street Journal this weekend describes waves of fiscal conservatism sweeping over, of all places, Connecticut.

Read the whole thing here if you can. In any event, here is my favorite part:

"In Chester, First Selectman (Mayor) Tom Marsh proposes to pay students not to attend public school. He wants to give $1,500 a year to families who send a child to vocational school, $3,000 to families who homeschool, and to put $5,000 in a college scholarship fund for anyone transferring to a private high school."

"Mr. Marsh also wants to give a full two-year community college scholarship worth $5,000 to students who graduate from public high school in three years. "If we can persuade families to consider options outside the system," he says, "we have the potential to save significantly long term.""

The efforts to lower taxes and the cost of government in a big-government state like Connecticut is very likely to provide interesting data for us to ponder here in Kentucky. I'll keep you posted.

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