Friday, September 26, 2008

Can we afford lavish benefits for part-timers?

A letter to the editor in a small New Jersey town provides a money-saving idea that could help out in Kentucky. The writer, chairman of Democrats for Brick, suggests doing away with taxpayer-provided healthcare benefits for part-time government employees.

"These are difficult economic times for all of us, and we do agree that sacrifices must be made and leadership must come from the top. It behooves elected officials everywhere to demonstrate their leadership in saving money wherever they can, which is why we are calling for the governing body of Brick to eliminate taxpayer-paid medical benefits for all elected officials by passing an ordinance that would not allow any part-time employee, appointed official or any elected officials to receive health benefits paid for by the taxpayers."

How many children could we feed, clothe, and educate with the money taxpayers spend to buy rich health insurance plans for our political class?

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