Monday, October 13, 2008

ACT – Thinks Business IS Paying Attention

A new tool has just been uploaded in the ACT, Incorporated’s Web site. Here is the description from ACT:

Another new feature on ACT’s website is a tool to compare selected data in various combinations in two states. For instance, a biochemical firm located near a state line could search the data for two states as to the ACT test scores and/or benchmark percentages for Math and Science to see how each state performed compared to each other and the national average. The data could be used to help guide recruitment of the better prepared employees. Subgroups may also be selected as variables including gender and ethnic/racial groups.

Clearly, that same biochem outfit, or any other firm, can use the ACT tool to decide where to locate in the first place, as well.

Thus, while certain elements in Kentucky try to downplay the importance of the ACT as they vainly try to defend our CATS assessments, it appears that ACT's publishers recognize the wide and growing interest in their data and are making it even easier to access and use.

And, since the ACT, Incorporated has a long-standing relationship with business and industry through its Work Keys business employment testing program, it’s a good bet that the ACT didn’t pick its example of a biotech firm wanting to compare scores in two states by accident.

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