Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Now isn't best time to tax the poor and stupid

Gov. Steve Beshear's efforts to replace the out-of-state electronic "leeches" with the in-state regulated and taxed variety continues with a new pre-filed bill to set up Kentucky Lottery video lottery terminals across the state.

We are still assuming, however, that the promised revenue will be greater than the added costs of making it easier for desperate people to "double down." And given the laundry list (see the bill summary) of selected beneficiaries, it's hard not to wonder why we aren't just lowering taxes, cutting government, and growing our way out of our spending-induced problems.

One noteworthy line in the actual bill which certainly wasn't intended to be funny promised:

"strictly regulating gaming to promote public confidence in the honesty and integrity of those participating in it."

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