Monday, November 3, 2008

ABC News says Kentucky in recession

If Kentucky is already in a recession, can't we all agree now may not be such a great time to be raising taxes?

The antidote for a recession's shrinking economic activity is policy that encourages more activity. Lower taxes and more economic freedom for taxpayers would be more sensible, don't you agree?

1 comment:

Hempy said...

It should come as no surprise that Kentucky is suffering from the Republican-engineered recession.

Too, at no time did Sen. McConnell, Bunning or Negative Nannie Anne Northup vote for any hemp bills be it medical marijuana or industrial hemp.

McConnell's more interested in funding the bridge to nowhere in Alaska than he is in encouraging Kentucky to be a viable player in the energy market.

Hemp, growing on 11% of marginal land nationwide can produce enough fuel to replace fossil fuels.

Hemp is a natural resource of Kentucky. It's an integral part of our history. Were hemp legal, Kentucky and most of the nation wouldn't be facing a recession now.

We're suffering from Bush-McCain Republican economics.