Friday, November 14, 2008

Just a friendly reminder

As Frankfort continues to look for ways to cut spending, some of our elected representatives might do well to be reminded that they had a chance to shut down the Treasurer's office.

Maybe they could put him to work sweeping floors or something.


Hempy said...

If you were really interested in cutting spending you'd be advocating pardoning non-violent marijuana users. That costs the state about $270 million a year. Shutting down the treasure's office would be a mere pittance by comparison.

You're failure to go after one of the biggest waste of government money shows that you're not really serious about cutting spending on wasteful projects.

We don't need an appointed treasurer. If any position should be appointed it should be Supreme Court positions.

AnnCoulterScaresChildren said...
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AnnCoulterScaresChildren said...

I was class treasurer my freshman year for the 4-H club. I was really good at mental math. Too bad I never had to use any of it.

Considering that most volunteer fire and rescue squads have more training than our county coroners, if I were a judge exec, I'd be pushing hard to eliminate that position, too.