Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Making it sound more like jail

A coalition of advocacy groups got a lot of media attention Wednesday for pledging to help kids by changing the law that forces them to stay in school until age sixteen so that it forces them to stay in school until age eighteen.

Maybe someone could suggest they might let the kids who want to drop out just pay a fine and do community service instead.

Seriously, Kentucky's dropout problem isn't going anywhere until we raise standards in middle school to keep kids engaged in the process at the point when too many of them get behind.


Anonymous said...

It's too late by middle school. 30% of the population has a slight to severe learning disabilities. Disabilities which in most cases are easily overcome and erased by Middle School if they are diagnosed in Kindergarten and continued to be taught continuous phonics through third grade. It's the lack of continuity from K to 3 in reading which is causing the drop outs.

Once children can't read and get continously passed by others, they are disinfrancised and have no personal incentive to overcome their individual personal learning obstacle.

Schools are so focused on test scores they encourage students with learning challenges to transfer continously as not to pull down the schools test scores. What we are seeing in the drop outs is a reflection of the failure to address this issues.

Anonymous said...

The problem here is that kids aren't as stupid as the leftists in control of education, er, uh, I mean indoctrination, think.

Many realize they are being lied to by propagandists and perverted textbooks. They may not know the nuances of the lies, but they can sense something is amiss when they are spoon-fed global warming propaganda, for instance, with the other side of the issue, and there is one folks, not even welcome in the schools.

Many realize that many of their teachers and administrators are there for a paycheck and a retirement and are part of a system that doesn't truly care about their welfare or futures. Some can see the good teachers working with one hand tied behind their back.

Many can see the evil of not allowing God to be recognized and revered in the schools, only to see Mao lifted up as an "agrarian reformer" and Stalin's murderous totalitarian regime ignored for what it really was.

There is a whole lot wrong with the schools and nobody, even the advocacy groups that fight for some good changes, don't see what it is, or afraid to proclaim it.

Until we admit that we are a Christian nation and allow God and Jesus Christ back into the schools, admit that the schools have become leftist indoctrination centers rather than centers for teaching real knowledge, and get the politicization out of the process of "learning", we are not going to solve anything or make any real change.

“Every child in America entering school at the age of five is mentally ill because he comes to school with certain allegiances to our Founding Fathers, toward our elected officials, toward his parents, toward a belief in a supernatural being, and toward the sovereignty of this nation as a separate entity. It's up to you as teachers to make all these sick children well - by creating the international child of the future."
--Professor Chester M. Pierce, M.D.,
Professor of Education and Psychiatry at Harvard

"Among the elementary measures the American Soviet government will adopt to further the cultural revolution are...[a] National Department of Education...the studies will be revolutionized, being cleansed of religious, patriotic, and other features of the bourgeois ideology. The students will be taught the basis of Marxian dialectical materialism, internationalism and the general ethics of the new Socialist society."
--William Z. Foster, Toward Soviet America, 1932
National Chairman of the American Communist Party (1933-44, 1945-57)

"I think we absolutely have to realize that if we were to educate everyone, the country would fall apart. . . . We absolutely positively have to have a group of undereducated, unskilled people to do all these dirty jobs that `the comfortable classes,' as John Kenneth Galbraith calls them, will not do." "...until everyone owns a humanoid robot, as well as a car and a color television, some person will have to do the `dirty jobs.' Until then, however, loath as we are to admit it, we must continue to produce an uneducated social class..."
--Gerald Bracey, Stanford-educated research psychologist,
policy analyst, author and former NEA-analyst

Anonymous said...

The government knows best. Why stop at 18? Why not require us to stay in school until everyone has a PhD? This ties in nicely with Obama requiring ALL children to attend pre-school. Get ready for another attack on homeschool.

Anonymous said...

Good grief, freeourpows! The absolute worst thing in the world would be to have our government-run school teaching kds about God! Think about it how effectively government works--the war on poverty gives us more poverty, the war on drugs leaves more drugs on the street, the war on terror gave us more terrorists--if you let government schools teach about religion there will undoubtedly be a huge upsurge in atheism! The answer is not to religify public schools, but to put them out of business with a meaningful school choice/voucher program. Then send your kid to a religious school, or an atheist school, or whatever, but we'll just leave the government out of it.

AnnCoulterScaresChildren said...

It is a necessary evil. So long as parents and society keep failing our children, it falls onto the government and the school system to do what is right for the kids and for the nation. Producing aware, rationalizing citizens is vital to democracy. How else will we produce moral, law-abiding citizens? We are no longer in the days of Washington and Jefferson, we don't treat sixteen year-olds as adults so why would we allow them to make a responsible decision, such as dropping-out?

Anonymous said...

Actually 6:58, I wasn't referring to turning the schools into religious institutions. This is a common error people make when we who are believers state that God needs to be allowed back into the schools.

What we are saying, in effect, is that nothing works without God in it and schools have, through radical extremism in our liberal courts, kicked God out of the schools. And by that I mean He is not welcome via public prayer or discussion.

Additionally, through perverted textbooks, and leftist teachers, schools are propagandizing our children in secular humanism and atheism.

Also, the truth of our founding through His Providence as a Christian nation is censored to the point they are actually teaching a perverted history of our Nation.

When you said, "...just leave the government out of it." I couldn't agree more. Absolutely!