Thursday, December 18, 2008

Louisville surprised by the inevitable

It's a shame the blame game plays such a major role in the government response to economic recession.

Louisville Metro Council President Jim King appears to playing that game in response to a comment from U of L economist Dr. Paul Coombs, who said he didn't see the recession coming:

""Our council trusts Dr. Coomes, and the fact that he didn't see the recession coming lends support to the administration's position that they didn't see it coming," said Metro Council President Jim King, D-10th District."

That failure is beside the point. Economic growth and tax revenues fluctuate. We don't elect our representatives to predict the fluctuations, but to expect them to happen and to rein in spending when times are good.

Yet another argument for limited government.


Anonymous said...

When a community continues to elect the "Mayor for Life" Jerry who has spent money on such things as granite curbs and new take home cars for civilian employees (political appointees) but can't afford take home cars for police officers, they deserve what they get; a vendictive, narcissistic leader. If it can't be about him, it just can't be.

If you dare to support opposition to Mayor for Life in a political race, one you hope will actually take the community and it's citizens into account, then beware when it comes to negotiating a contract. Employees will be worse off in the new contract, IF THEY ARE LUCKY ENOUGH TO GET A CONTRACT!

The underlying truth is that to Mayor for Life, the only good police officer or firefighter is a dead one. Dead civil servants provide the Mayor for Life an opportunity to have a photo op with the widow/widower. Be damned with the employee (or the community's) safety as long as he can get some good press.

Louisville has been under this dictatorship for decades and the best he can brag on at this time is how many pages of begging needs he took to Washington. If he were doing a good job, we would not have to go begging to anyone, we would be self sufficient.

Wake up Louisville! Why won't he reveal budget records, even under written request? He doesn't want you to know what a schmuck he really is. Or... would citizens be the schmuck? ...Anyway, he has been successful in the past and probably will be again when the next election rolls around. He will spend that $20 million and make you feel glad you were special to have him choose you to spend it on. That is all that you will remember... sadly... the only thing most voters remember is what happens in the last year of the administration. HELLO!!! He knows that.

Amanda said...

This is ridiculous they stand there and lie. They could not have been so blind as to not see that spending was out of control and that the funds were not growing. I agree with Anonymous Louisville needs a new mayor one with no "visual problems" when it comes to "seeing" what is happening in their city.