Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Where Mitch McConnell earns his pay

Congress and the White House appear to have worked out a $15 billion auto bailout.

From the Associated Press:

"Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said he was concerned that Democrats were proposing a package that "fails to require the kind of serious reform that will ensure long-term viability for struggling automobile companies.""

"With their approach, "we open the door to unlimited federal subsidies in the future," McConnell said."

Hold that thought, Senator.


Hempy said...

McConnell "earns" his pay from lobbyists. He does nothing to benefit Kentucky economically.

McConnell was more interested in building a "bridge to nowhere" in Alaska than he was in helping Kentucky's economy.

David Adams said...

The Ted Stevens bailout didn't work either, did it?

Anonymous said...

McConnell will earn his pay when he starts actually standing up to corporate welfare of all kinds.