Monday, January 5, 2009

Efficient schools fight poverty better

Fresh off his effort to sign up more Kentuckians for unsustainable government health insurance plans, Gov. Steve Beshear is now promoting federal tax credits as powerful poverty fighters:

""The EITC is one of our best anti-poverty tools, and I want to make sure every eligible Kentuckian takes advantage of it and gets the money they deserve," Gov. Beshear said."

Education is a far better anti-poverty tool. And given Kentucky's long and sad record of poorly-run schools, it would certainly be more inspiring and effective if he were to join in a bipartisan effort to improve the state on that front.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I believe Mr. Adams is right. The governer needs to make a more powerful effort to improve the education system in Kentucky. Our children deserve a better chance at a good life, one where they never have to worry about trying to live at or below the poverty level like many of Kentucky residents already do. Gov. Beshear needs to get in gear and help our failing education system.