Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Kathy Stein strikes again

Sen. Kathy Stein needs people to buy cigarettes in Kentucky in order to help save the state from going bankrupt under a tidal wave of unfunded pension benefits (wink, wink), but she is also determined to control where people smoke.

Enter Senate Bill 35, Stein's first Senate bill, which bans smoking in cars by minors.


Anonymous said...

I thought it was already illegal for minors to smoke -- anywhere. How is this going to make things much better in Kentucky?

David Adams said...

I had never looked at the law on that until you brought it up. It doesn't appear to be illegal for minors to smoke in Kentucky. In fact, it is illegal for anyone under 18 to buy or receive cigarettes from anyone except a family member.

Anonymous said...

Kathy Stein, like all good elected Liberal pols, wants to take care of us. We can't take care of ourselves.
Wonder how much longer it will be before they ban matches or lighters? Neither can be good for the environment.

Anonymous said...

That this is Stein's first senate bill is very telling. It speaks to the absurdidty of people like her being in elected office.

This lady is so bad for Kentucky it isn't funny. I wonder what she could get done if she didn't spend so much time trying to be our PC nanny. Judging by her leftism and anti-Christian attitude I guess we should feel lucky she doesn't do more.

Does she really believe it is worthwhile spending time and money trying to track down kids who smoke in cars? Surely not.

I can see it now. The cop pulls over the teenagers, and with his partner holding an automatic M4 on the passenger side of the vehicle, he strolls up next to the driver's window with his automatic machine pistol pointed at them and says, "May vee see youah papahs pleeeze!"

At the cop bar after that day's shift the cops are all sharing their day's experiences and this guy is overheard saying, "Yeah, Johanne over there had them covered while I interrogated the driver. They had Lucky Strike non-filters for goodness sakes. Do you know how dangerous those things are? They are downtown now being interrogated by the SS - Stein's Stormtroopers. We are going to find out where they got them and Swat is going to raid the joint tonight." His buddies pat him on the back and buy him a couple of rounds for his heroic deed.

My my my!

Anonymous said...

At least Stein moved from the state house to the state senate where she will have absolutely no influence. any piece of idiotic, asinine nanny-statism she propose like this stupid bill will go absolutely nowhere. not only that but Senate President David Williams(a man she absolutely despises) can simply add insult to injury by ignoring her just like her fellow senate Democrats. After all they treated Scorsone like a red-headed bastard stepchild and she is simply his heterosexual female version.