Sunday, January 11, 2009

When do we bail out CellphoneCare?

A growing number of states are now spending taxpayer money to provide cell phones to poor people. Basically, if you are already on the dole, you get a "free" phone with rollover minutes!

Talk it up!

How long will it be before Gov. Steve Beshear calls a press conference to announce greater "free speech" rights for Kentuckians?

In case you aren't paying too much for cell phone use already, take heart. You will be soon.

Here are all the details. Maybe the magic cigarette tax will pay for this too.

1 comment:

Angela Greer said...

It seems you don't agree with offering cell phone service to people in need. But consider that for most people who would qualify for this service, it would not be a luxury.

The people who have the greatest needs are typically the same ones who are least likely to be able to afford it: the sick, the injured, the elderly, and single moms and their children. They should have access to emergency help if they need it.

Under this program, the number of minutes they receive is limited, and most likely would be used for basic communication: access to 911, police or other emergency services, making doctor's appointments, or even just having to have a phone number so they can get a job - because few employers will hire someone they can't contact.

The basic service in Louisville for a land line is $30/month. It's too much. And you can't hardly find a pay phone anywhere any more, even if you did have the money to put in it.

Just like any assistance offered, there will always be some who try to scam the system. But the majority of people who receive the benefit of these types of programs have a legitimate need.

I'd rather err on the side of caution and provide this service to our most vulnerable members of the community.