Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The "who's your daddy?" bill

The Family Foundation of Kentucky announced today its opposition to HB 28 with an interesting take on the bill:

"The bill, House Bill 28, would allow the father of child born from an adulterous relationship with a married woman to claim parental rights to the child even after the woman had reconciled with her husband. The bill would effectively overturn the Rhoades v. Rickett's decision in which the Kentucky Supreme Court ruled last year that the marriage prevailed over the biological father's claim."

"Proponents of the bill argue that the mere fact that a man is the biological father of a child is sufficient to warrant parental rights, but Cothran argued that this has never been the case. "If you take this argument to its logical conclusion, then the biological father of a child born through in vitro fertilization to a mother married to another man could gain parental rights. In fact, if biology trumps everything else, what stops a rapist from claiming parental rights?""

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is one example of why we need better science education in the schools. The Family Foundation apparently doesn't understand basic biology and geneology!

Amazing. These guys will twist anything to support what they believe "family" means.