Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Now, let's agree on one of the best

The Louisville Courier Journal is right that SB 188 isn't such a hot idea.

It would be nice if the editorial board would join us in support of posting all government contracts and individual expenditures to searchable databases on the internet.

That would be the antidote to all this sneaky stuff.


Bruce Maples said...

David -- you and I are on opposite sides of some issues, but this is one we can both support. In fact, I don't know any activist on either side of the aisle that isn't wildly in favor of this.

I'll post something on my site in the next day or so, linking to your story and throwing my (miniscule) weight behind it.

Let's see if we can get it at ALL levels of government.

David Adams said...

Thanks Bruce. If we let up at all, the politicians on both sides will quickly aid each other in keeping their secrecy.

I look forward to working with you on this.