Monday, June 1, 2009

It's not a billion

The Frankfort tax increase brigade is on the offensive this morning with an editorial repeating the silly claim that the state has a $1 billion revenue shortfall.

This is nothing more than a marketing scheme for bigger government. If it were a real emergency, far more would be done to reduce wasteful spending. Indeed, the shortfall itself is mostly an illusion.

Predictably, the editorial quickly goes in for the kill:

"The next round of reductions will inflict real damage to programs that are critically important to many, particularly those most vulnerable during an economic downturn."

"Given that reality, the legislature must also look at the revenue side of the budget."

The Courier Journal may be convinced, but for those of us who look at the numbers and see a 2010 budget $867 million larger than the one in 2009, we are going to need much more than the standard poor-mouthing.

1 comment:

tarawa1943 said...

there is no money in the budget and they(Gov+Legislature) cannot expect to increase taxes or expanded gambling. The only sensible and reasonable thing to do to avoid future problems is REDUCE the budget. STOP SPENDING AND START RESIGNING!!!