Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Left wing think tanks: who needs them

Washington D.C.-based Center on Budget and Policy Priorities spends almost six minutes on this podcast to tell you states need to tax you more for your own good.

You can listen to the whole thing if you want, but 5:05 to 5:15 pretty much gives you what they have in mind.

It's good stuff if you need to be able to say that a nonpartisan think tank says states need more money, but it doesn't do much for the rest of us who watch our pennies and can't understand why government won't do the same.

1 comment:

Hempy said...

Who needs right-wing "think" tanks? They don't think. They simply parrot their feudal-mercantilistic philosophy deceptively, deliberately and dishonestly trying to present it as capitalism.

Feudalism-mercantilism is no more capitalism than is communism or fascism. But it bears a striking resemblance to fascism and to some extent, communism.

Right-wing "think" tanks support domestic terrorism when it takes the form of clergy-led intimidating, harassing and terroristic tactics against women seeking information about abortions or choosing to have an abortion.

Right-wing "think" tanks are also noted for their anti-intellectualism opposing stem-cell research and the study of evolution. They also rail against gay marriages, and have absolutely nothing to say about those born with undifferentiated genitalia, sometimes referred to as "intersex," or as the Pope prefers to call them, "bi-gender."

Right-wing "think" tanks oppose American ideals and values by their support of "enhance-interrogation" techniques, more properly, torture, to justify waging unjust wars for pretended causes even though such actions have proven to be detrimental to America's interest.

Other than avowed deceivers and hate mongers, who needs right-wing think tanks?