Monday, June 22, 2009

Teachers’ union fibbing?

– Caught by Wall Street Journal

The National Education Association was caught fibbing about the performance of the Washington, DC, school voucher program.

Per the Wall Street Journal, the union seriously misrepresented performance of students in the voucher program, which gives students a publicly financed money voucher that they can use to attend any school, either public or private.

The Journal quotes the union saying, "Over its five year span, the pilot program has yielded no evidence of positive impact on student achievement."

The paper then points out that a recent study from the US Department of Education found, “Voucher students…are reading almost a half-grade level ahead of their peers,” and that the voucher program’s, “Earliest participants, … are 19 months ahead after three years.”

There seems to be a failure here, but it isn’t with vouchers, but rather with character and honesty. Either the Wall Street Journal is way out of line, or the largest teacher organization in the country is.

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