Monday, August 10, 2009

Health care plan threatens Kentuckians' freedoms; reps should 'face the music'

Kentuckians should be concerned about the latest attempt by the White House to suppress online opposition of its scary health-care plan.

This Reason.TV video offers a frightening report about the White House asking the public to report any information on health care reform they receive from e-mails and blogs that “seems fishy.”

They have essentially asked the public to become watchdogs for the very thing that many do not want to begin with. Notice this video includes the President himself stating he’s “a proponent of a single payer, universal health care program.”

The Congressional Budget Office has released information on the web about health care reform. The problem does not lie with those who pass on the information provided; it lies with those providing the information in the beginning.

Kentuckians should demand their representatives come home and face the music on this issue – as others have done around the country.

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