Saturday, August 8, 2009

Opinions vs. falsehoods

Not surprisingly, the Louisville Courier-Journal sides with the judge and against Jefferson County Public Schools' parents and students in the ongoing busing controversy. That's been the consistent stance of their editorials and op-ed pages all along.

However, I'm just wondering upon what basis the editorial writer of Thursday's editorial, "Heyburn's ruling," makes the following statement about the Jefferson County Public Schools' old race-based student assignment plan that was struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court last year:

"In fact, the old student assignment plan was popular with Jefferson County families and worked well. It also provided a framework for making this a strong unitary district, with effective support coming from all interested parties."

With a multitude of parents being forced to put their children on a bus--only to be bused across town just to meet some kind of racial quota--combined with hundreds more being denied transfer requests by the system, I'm just curious what spurred the editorial writer's assertion that "the old student assignment plan was popular."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People will make any claim they can that supports their argument if they feel like no one will ever call them on it!