Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Politicians and unions: A sign of what's to come

In June, Illinois Governor Pat Quinn signed an executive order approving collective bargaining by individual providers of home-based support services.

So what? That's Illinois. But the Employee Free Choice Act (card check) in Congress would open the doors to what could happen next in Kentucky -- without the executive order.

This is what happened in Illinois without the Employee Free Choice Act. First, the executive order.

Next, the endorsement with its unmistakable display of political power. This is where a politician-plus-unions formula trumps citizens' freedoms:

News flash! About 90 percent of hard-working Kentucky men and women do not belong to a union and, as such, are not forced to pay union dues.

This resurgence of a display by labor bosses of Chicago-style political power means ordinary citizens are now fighting for their freedom of choice - against well-funded union organizations and their political enablers in the governor's office.

Freedoms erode so quickly. Will Kentucky's politicians drive union organizers to the doorsteps of unsuspecting Kentuckians?

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