Sunday, November 29, 2009

Governor should challenge education's price, performance

Gov. Steve Beshear recently laid out his budget priorities: "It's investing in education for our kids, it's maintaining our health care safety net and it's protecting the public safety."

It's past time to challenge the value added for each dollar spent in the education budget. Take Jefferson County as an example.

Have you seen or heard anyone from the Kentucky Department of Education or Jefferson County Public Schools demonstrate Pastor Stephenson's passion for improved results? That lack of urgency is a major problem.

Look at the Jefferson County check register for 2008 – 2009. Notice the money not spent in the classroom. Hmmm. Could money be better spent to improve learning? Are tough competitive bids used as much as possible to reduce or eliminate costs? Could procurements be consolidated?

Challenge this spending. Look out for the kids. Put their interests -- not the special interests -- first!

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