Sunday, December 13, 2009

Obamacare will send BIG bill to Kentucky

Look out! Washington wants to throw a $199 million unfunded mandate at Kentuckians.

That is in the fine print of 2,000-plus pages they don’t like to talk about. Kentucky and 38 other states have Medicaid-income cutoffs below those in the new proposed federal legislation.

The feds pay for the first three years. But starting in 2016, the fourth year, the average state will be obligated to pay 10 percent of the extra cost.

Some questions:

1. Will Kentucky be able to print money like the federal government in 2016?
2. If we can’t print money, how many tax increases will the federal folks force on Kentuckians?
3. Who in Frankfort is looking out for Kentuckians now while something can still be done?
4. Shouldn’t these Washington legislators be forced to read, understand and communicate the cumulative impact on what they are doing to Kentuckians BEFORE passing anything?

This is not an emergency. This legislative approach is negligence.

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