Thursday, December 10, 2009

Unemployment obligations could reach $1 billion

Kentucky already has borrowed $474 million from the federal government for unemployment costs; that total could grow to $1 billion.

Gov. Beshear's task force on the issue, which has been meeting since April, is divided on what to do -- not surprising since government, union and business agendas have significant conflicting priorities.

How much more mandated costs can state lawmakers and the federal government throw at Kentucky’s businesses before the only business option is to put many more people into unemployment lines?

While anyone can rationalize a single incremental cost increase, the cumulative impact of a multitude of such costs reduces incentives for employers to create jobs. Kentucky must change -- from being hostile to business to creating an atmosphere that attracts new companies, creates more jobs and lowers our record-high jobless rates.

Answering this question is key to getting unemployment costs under control.

Before the governor's task force splits the baby in negotiations, remember: only business provides jobs. Government and unions are only good for adding mountains of cost and layers of bureaucracy.

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