Thursday, January 28, 2010

State of the Union: we want to hear your thoughts!

President Obama addressed the nation Wednesday to discuss the state of the Union and while Washington D.C. is hundreds of miles away, the policies that are debated and enacted there affect Kentucky on a daily basis.

So we want your thoughts about the State of the Union address!

Reply to the comment section in this blog post with your thoughts!  How do you feel about:

  • The policy agenda outlined in President Obama's address?
  • Will the policies hurt Kentucky or help?
  • Are you more optimistic about the future of Kentucky after the address?  What about the United States?
  • What is the one policy that will affect Kentucky the most?
Democracy thrives on healthy discussion and we would like to know what you think!

We're all ears!


Anonymous said...

It sounded like the same type of speech he said during the campaign not at all what I expected.

Don't most Presidents address questions and concerns about Supreme court decisions at other times than during the State of the Union address? Where did he get that it went back over a 100 years wasn't it a decision about McCain/Feingold that their ruling was related to?

With our military fighting two wars why is promoting homesexaul agenda one of his top priorities?
Isn't that supporting one small special interest group? Where did that one come from? Why was it included in the state of the union address?

What about the the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit that leave out families that have one parent at home caring for the children? Is this a priority to further government control work towards a further break down of the family unit in our country?

McDonnells speech sounded much more like the speech I would have expected a President to give last night as a State of the Union address.

Anonymous said...

The best policy improvement that can help Kentucky is to stop forcing unfunded mandates down the throats of states!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

When I was a child, I got a certain amount of "Tough Love" when my actions and thoughts were not in line with the teachings of my parents or school officials. When I became employed, I had to adhere to the wishes of my employer and produce results that were outlined and expected of me in order to continue my employment and growth. This "Tough Love" brought me to a place in life as an adult where I knew the difference between right and wrong, and also how to lead a family through tough times and in an economically responsible way.

It is time that those in Washington that we employ face the certainty of "Tough Love" by either adhering to the wishes of their employers, We the People" or face the stark reality that they will no longer have a job. Now that all polls are reflecting the low approval rate of our elected officials, it is time for them to wise up and start running our government in a fiscally responsible manner and also making and changing laws and regulations that reflect the will of their employers.

Our president is acting in a manner that resembles the "Child Bully" of grade school in his efforts to push through more expensive and less wanted laws because he can get away with it. It is now time for the people to take him into the office and give him some "Tough Love" so that he will see the errors of his ways. Our Congress also needs to learn their lessons for behavior not becoming the office they hold or face the fact that they will become unemployed if immediate changes are not made that reflect the will of their employers.

Tantrums and fits, as our President made toward the Supreme Court, Should not be tolerated and due punishment and apologies should be forthright in coming. Arrogance and bullying should not be tolerated by his employers, We, the People.

Anonymous said...

Nuclear power in Kentucky? Is he going over the top of our state legislature to make it happen?

Anonymous said...

All rhetoric again. The President apparently feels that no matter what comes out of his mouth the press and the people will believe it.

The President's actions are catching up with his smooth talk. Everything is an emergency with this President because he doesn't care one bit about the detail or the impact of 2,000 + page bills. He hasn't led the effort and his lack of any leadership experience is showing. He had the audacity to preach about bi-partisan effort, transparency, etc. when actions the past year have been the most partisan approach in history and transparency a complete joke. It is embarrassing that the President thinks the American public lives in a cocoon.

We need integrity back in the political system again starting with the President. He has a long way to go to be credible. He gets away with his half truths and out right lies because of a complicit press and an uniformed public.

He showed without a doubt that he has not listened to the people and intends to fight for his redistribution agenda no matter what the cost and no matter what the consequences.

Now we know why the founding fathers set up a governing system based upon checks and balances. Their system worked when the players put country first and the players had integrity. Both country first and integrity are gone. The President stepped all over the check and balance and keys in one very long hour speech.

Too bad. American voters didn't do their homework and now they will hear the hollow ring of hope and change and double talk in their ears for several more years.

Anonymous said...

This video from the CATO institute summarizes my views

Anonymous said...

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