Wednesday, March 24, 2010

New FCC broadband plan: Downloading diminishing freedom for Kentucky citizens, businesses

Just where does the fed appetite to control and take over our private sector end? Not at your computer, apparently.

A long-awaited plan on broadband Internet connections announced March 15 by the Federal Communications Commission signals government interference in the private sector is about to grow.

President Obama now appears poised to apply his spread-the-wealth philosophy in ways that will create yet another bureaucracy to "redistribute" our Internet capability.

Want to pay $56,000 per home to ensure that folks without broadband can get broadband that’s as fast as the FCC’s broadband planners have decided they deserve?

The government announcement sounds innocent.

But not everyone agrees.

According to the plan's executive summary, big government control -- instead of freedom and entrepreneurship -- will be stimulated.

The Internet Freedom Coalition has credible perspective to counter the innocent government spin.

Jerry Ellig, a senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, challenges that providing Internet access to Americans not currently online can be accomplished without a broken bank or government takeover.

This is nothing more than another federal initiative being downloaded to strike at the heart of more Kentucky freedoms and businesses.

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