Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Rep. Tim Moore on nuclear energy in Kentucky

This interview was conducted with Rep. Tim Moore, R- Elizabethtown about nuclear energy in Kentucky.


Hempy said...

If there were such a thing as a "Common Sense Caucus" in Frankfort, the first thing they'd do would put the state in the business of growing hemp to produce the kinds of fuel that would reduce cost, have a positive environmental effect, would expand freedom and create thousands of new jobs.

Charcoal from hemp can replace coal. Natural gas can be made from hemp without having carbon to sequester.

Ethanol can be made from hemp.

The advantage of the state growing and marketing these products is that as long as Congress keeps hemp classified as a Schedule I drug under the Controlled Substances Act, little if any private money is willing to make any long-term investment in such a risky proposition.

Too, the state can also grow hemp for both medical and recreational uses.

Marijuana from hemp could generate about $1.7 billion annually in taxes.

But alas! Rep. Tim Moore lacks any leadership skills in this area. He fits in well with the current Frankfort crowd.

Jim Musser said...

Thanks to Jim Waters and the Bluegrass Institute for doing such a great job in keeping an eye on Frankfort and holding the powers-that-be to account. Your work informing the public and asking the hard questions of those in government is a real service. Keep up the good work!