Here is your Friday link fodder.
- Cafe Hayek - This is a great economics blog by Don Boudreaux and Russ Roberts, both professors at the George Mason University Department of Economics. They analyze a policies and decisions from a free-market perspective. A lot of food for thought here!
- Healthcare Portal - just launched a healthcare portal that is still in an infant stage - that is to say there is not a lot of content on it. But! Rest assured we are working on it and also depending on fine folks like yourself to help us by contributing your thoughts to the project!
- LFUCG "Family" proposal - The Lexington city council is attempting to redefine the word "family" so they can trample on the personal liberties of property owners. Awesome. Read more.
- KY Freedom Digest - Over at the KY Freedom Digest, Josh Koch is doing a great job keeping our elected officials accountable for their actions. Be sure to click on over there and check out all the work he's involved in!

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