Monday, April 12, 2010

LFUCG iPhone application suggestions

Recently the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government release it's iPhone app to the citizenry.  It allows the user to report abandoned vehicles, illegal activity, animal control issues, illegal dumping, etc...  In addition, a user can submit photos and use a GPS like function to pinpoint the exact location of the "incident".

I like this. It shows an effort by Lexington leadership to step into the current times and use the web to cut costs and reduce work loads.  This is only scratching the surface of how Lexington could better utilize technology to cut costs through materials and labor.

As neat as this phone application is, there are a couple categories I'd like to see added to what is able to be reported.

  1. Taxpayer money waste: how about an option to report your tax money being wasted!
  2. Gov't Accountability: how about an option to submit pictures of government buildings that aren't up to code?
  3. Responsible government: I think it is imperative that we recognize when the government is acting responsibly. The ability to submit a photo when we see that happening would allow the citizens of Lexington to respond to their representatives and show them what we are pleased with in the city.
Let our leaders know what we want!

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