Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Luck of the Irish needed for this policy in Kentucky

We hear a lot from state officials about budget deficits. Their solution usually revolves around either extracting more hard-earned taxpayers' dollars, taking the commonwealth deeper in debt or some combination of both.

The House budget this year floated the idea of an additional $2 billion in bonded indebtedness to build roads, repair schools and shore up other infrastructure projects. The Senate did not drink that potion, leading to the current budget impasse in Frankfort.

But how about interjecting some new cost-cutting ideas into our budget process? For example, instead of raising taxes or increasing debt, Ireland provides a much better idea: Reducing government salaries by as much as 15 percent.

Read more about it here.

While a few of Kentucky's visible politicians -- top state leaders who happen to be running for higher office -- have indicated they will accept a 10 percent pay cut, it would be more than a political stunt if such cuts were made all the way throughout government. It could actually help get government spending back under control.

But it would take the luck of the Irish to implement such a policy throughout the entrenched network of state workers -- Kentucky's largest voting bloc.

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