Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Are the golden geese about to die?

San Jose, Calif., dropped its janitorial staff and hired outside contractors.

Other California cities following suit include Maywood, which is cutting its entire staff as other city or county entities pick up the work, and Lakewood, which contracts out 40 percent of its services.

Johns Creek, Ga., outsourced all of its city hall and public works services.

Why? Their taxpayers can’t afford to continue paying the overwhelming costs of city employee health care and pension benefits.

Kentucky cities face the same challenge. With new federal mandates and taxes poised to smash Kentucky taxpayers, city leaders across the commonwealth are about to witness the death of their golden geese.

"Do nothing" has been the easy and preferred political decision to address the skyrocketing health care and pension costs that threaten Kentucky's solvency. Business as usual is no longer a viable option.

Reality is about to hit Kentucky's cities. Local political leaders may remain focused on squeezing more money out of Kentucky taxpayers to subsidize their unaffordable city worker benefits, but the truth is: The geese's days are numbered.

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