Thursday, October 21, 2010

'Character Education' has no impact on students per new Federal Study

Education Week reports that a new federal study on character education in schools shows these programs don’t really work.

Per Ed Week,

“In the end, researchers found no evidence that the programs, taken individually or together, improved students’ behavior, academic performance or gains, or their perceptions of the school climate. And the results were no better for schools with better implementation.”

This one report, while supposedly the most extensive conducted to date in this area, isn’t the final answer. But, it does raise a very uncomfortable question: is character education going to be yet another educator fad idea (e.g. “New Math,” “Fuzzy Math,” “Whole-Language Reading”) that doesn’t pan out?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It seems this is just one more education gimmick to improve learning. We don't need gimmicks. We just need school teachers who are held accountable and rewarded based on students' improvement from the beginning of the year to the end of the year.