Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Cracks forming in Jefferson County Teachers Association?

Wow! Current Jefferson County teacher’s union head Brent McKim has stirred up another hornets nest, but this time it’s in his own organization.

Former head of the union Laura Kirchner severely criticizes McKim in this Courier-Journal readers' comments piece for trying to oust several people from elected offices – people who Kirchner says are solid friends of the union.

One of Kirchner’s bullet questions at the end of the article is particularly interesting. She asks, “Is McKim placing the superintendent’s agenda above the needs of JCPS students and teachers?”

That’s quite a question. Is McKim trying to rid the local school board of those who have been questioning Jefferson County Schools Superintendent Sheldon Berman’s actions on such things as the school district’s out of control busing plan?

Stay tuned on this one!

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