Thursday, October 7, 2010

Holliday seeks strong career readiness measure in new state accountability system

Warns against single focus on those graduates who go on to college

The Kentucky School Boards Association captured this story from yesterday’s meeting of the Kentucky Board of Education nicely.

As I understand this, Kentucky Commissioner of Education Terry Holliday wants to insure that students who don’t go on to college but do integrate into technical training successfully are also credited as a school success in the new accountability system.

This idea will have to be considered very carefully to insure it does not become a lever for schools to water down the intent of Senate Bill 1, which is to insure that students, not schools, have the option and make the choice to go to college or technical training. Note that the law, as the article points out, does not mention the tech training track.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If there is a way to make numbers look good without kids learning, the KDE will find the way.

Look at how much mileage Jefferson County got out of its bus shell game to eliminate so many failing schools from the books. The adults can smile because they beat the system. The kids can cry because Superintendent Berman just cheated them out of the help they so desperately needed to have any hope for a bright future.