Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Newspaper urges kids to go to college

The Ashland Independent gets it about the need for postsecondary education in the current economic climate. Their editorial on the subject is a good read.

I would only add one comment. Towards the end of its editorial, the newspaper says, “Maybe some of those attending Friday’s session are not college material. Maybe they want to be a carpenter or plumber or mechanic. If so, they need to be developing those skills while still in high school.”

That might be misunderstood if taken out of context.

Today, even if kids want a non-college career like being a lab technician, auto mechanic, plumber or electrician, they may need many of the same skills in math, reading and science that entering college freshmen must master. The ACT, Incorporated, which has a lot of experience in the work area through its employer testing program called Work Keys, tells us that.

The people at the Kentucky Department of Education and in our legislature also understand that. This is why they all now talk about preparation all our students for “college and careers,” not college or careers. In fact, preparation for either is now largely the same.

I think the paper actually does understand this. Their closing comment is, “And all the students leaving the session (to tell students to stay in school) should know that just having a high school degree is no longer enough. At least some postsecondary is no longer just a good idea, it is essential.”

We agree.

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