Thursday, January 27, 2011

Confused about charter schools?

Don’t feel bad, a lot of people in Kentucky don’t know much about charter schools. We think this roundtable discussion might help you get a handle on what these innovative schools can offer Kentucky.

The main speaker is Kenneth Campbell. He really knows charters in Louisiana, which is one of the places where charters really shine.


Unknown said...

I need to get more involved in the starting of this charter school movement in KY. After moving here from Colorado, I am shocked at the level of academics and morals that are taught to my children. Teaching long division in Algebra 2??? Really?? NOT disciplining students for using foul language??? Let's bring it back to what is more important here...our children!! Someone please send me info on who to contact or what I need to do. I was very involved in our charter school in Colorado and have quite a bit of knowledge to bring to the table. Not legislative or statistical, just the most important, "mom knowledge".

Richard Innes said...

Christy, we'd be glad to have your help. You can reach me at