Monday, January 3, 2011

Kentucky legislators head to Frankfort

Tomorrow, January 4th, Kentucky legislators head to Frankfort to begin the 2011 General Assembly. With a shorter 30 day session this year, Kentucky lawmakers are not wasting any time. Legislators have already pre-filed over 100 bills.

In December, Senate President David Williams announced the Republican policy agenda for the upcoming session, including charter schools, tax code reform, transparency and accountability, pension reform, state sovereignty, and medicaid fraud.

Governor Steven Beshear has indicated his priorities will be more narrow, focusing on balancing the medicaid budget against shortfall and raising the dropout age from 16 to 18. He will announce his full agenda in his State of the Commonwealth address.

With the 2011 gubernatorial race already brewing, this year's General Assembly is sure to be interesting.


Anonymous said...

I'd like to see a General Assembly session where they are allowed to do nothing but repeal freedom-restricting laws.

Anonymous said...

Here's hoping some of those bills don't get caught up in the usual partisan nonsense so something worthwhile for citizens comes out.