Monday, February 21, 2011

Jefferson County sets example with SBDM meeting minutes database

As a part of the recent Operation: Open Records 2011 project, requests were submitted to obtain the minutes and supplemental information provided from several Jefferson County school based decision making (SBDM) council meetings.  One of the principals responded with a link to a very helpful database.

The database contained links to all the SBDM council minutes for every school in Jefferson County for the past year.  This is a great resource and a model for how this information should be available.  While the information contained in these meeting minutes is not as complete as it could be, the framework and potential for excellent school based decision making council transparency at least exists in Jefferson County.

The second part of the request - to obtain any supplemental material given to council members - was redirected to the Jefferson County Schools Public Information Office. We will keep you posted!


A mom said...

Have often wondered why some schools are not required to update these SBDM more frequently. For example, Barret Middle School, it would seem has not had an SBDM meeting for some time. Or,could it be that we (JCPS parents in-totality) are just not privy to the "goings-on"? (FYI-I have checked this database for years now, and it is not updated frequently at all.)

Love the site, and the recent articles re: all-things JCPS have been great.

A mom said...

By the way, just checked your link to the "data base" and tried a regular search, but the JCPS site is down. Coinkydinky?

Possibly an enmasse uploading?

Logan said...

That is certainly strange timing.