Monday, March 7, 2011

ObamaCare's selective exemptions reveal law's fatal illness

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has now issued more than 1,000 temporary waivers exempting organizations for one year from ObamaCare's new coverage requirements. More than 2.6 million Americans will benefit from these waivers.

If ObamaCare is supposed to provide better care to more Americans, why are so many organizations now exempt from its regulations? Conscientious lawmakers argue that the multitude of these waivers offer undeniable proof of the law's inherent flaws.

On its Web site, the HHS boasts about its transparency in listing which groups have received waivers.

But that light also reveals some dreadfully unhealthy outcomes of ObamaCare, including the fact that some of the more notable waiver recipients are labor unions – the very organizations that fought hardest for its passage.

Hmmmm. Those who initially supported the law now want out, which begs the question: Why can't all Americans be exempt?

1 comment:

Hempy said...

First of all, it's not Obama Care. It's proper name is the Affordable Care Act.

Secondly, you seem all too willing to allow uninsured persons go to a hospital emergency room and receive care.

And who pays for that? Those who have health insurance. They pay for it with increased premiums.

Opting out opens pandora's box to the heath insurance industry that wants the right to cancel coverage in the event of serious illness.

They also want to deny coverage if you have a genetic disposition to certain illnesses. Then within abou 6 months of the onset of such a condition, the insurance companies cancel your insurance. Other insurance companies won't pick you up for the same reason.

That's would be the consequences of your opting out alternative.

What is needed is a single payor health care. If that means putting everyone under Medicare then so be it. That way, everyone would be insured regardless to where they might move.

But such radical ideas are too pro capitalistic for your feudalist philosophy. Your philosophy is, "the serfs don't need health care; only the lords of the manor."