Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Open records: School based decison making and the state pension system

Operation: Open Records 2011 is in full swing! Here are some updates on some recent activity

  • Governor Steve Beshear recently made the claim that the state's pension systems would be on solid ground about 15 years.  A series of requests have been sent to his office to obtain the information he used to make this claim.  You can follow the process of these requests here!
  • A request to obtain school based decision making meeting minutes in Jefferson County pointed to a database where anyone can view the meeting minutes for any school in the JCPS system.  This is a great resource for anyone interested in seeing what happens at the meetings responsible for important school decisions.  
Check back at the Operation: Open Records 2011 page for more updates!


Mom, the best name said...

As a parent, I've checked this database many times, for many years.

Even if one wanted to be informed of the "goings on" re: a specific SBDM for a particular school (say if the minutes sent home were somehow missed), good luck, as they are infrequently updated.

Some schools (curious as they seem to be the "better-performing" schools, such as the traditional schools of Barret, Greathouse, etc) often do not even have minutes posted from THIS SCHOOL-YEAR. Occlusion?

Great job on attempting to keep them honest. Your site is daily reading for me.

Logan Morford said...

Mom, the best name:

Thanks for reading! We won't be content to settle for just the info in that database. We will keep digging!

Stay tuned!