Monday, June 20, 2011

Superintendent reviews changing?

This year's round of superintendent reviews is starting to appear and some districts seem to be providing a bit more scrutiny than they have in the past.

Last year, Franklin County Schools' superintendent Harrie Buecker received a fairly glowing review from the local school board. You can view that evaluation here. That evaluation did not give much attention to student, school, or district performance.

This year, while still a positive review, superintendent Buecker received some feedback that was a bit more stern than last year. One board member commented:
“I think the code of ethics and the personal integrity leaves a lot to be desired"
This type of feedback for a superintendent was almost non-existent when the Bluegrass Institute reviewed the superintendent evaluation process last year in "Rewarding Failure". While it is desirable to have more discussion on student achievement and progress toward specific and measurable goals, could this be a step in the direction of applying more accountability the CEO's of our school districts?

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