Friday, July 8, 2011

Kentucky moves Medicaid to managed care

Yesterday, Gov. Beshear hosted a press conference announcing the move of Kentucky's Medicaid population to managed care.

The state has selected three new companies to manage the commonwealth's Medicaid population: CoventryCares, WellCare, and Centene Corp. Each has signed a three-year contract. Meanwhile, the state renewed Passport Health Plan's contract for one more year.

In a press conference yesterday, the governor said the move will save the state $375 million in general fund expenditures over the next three years.

The goal is to move Medicaid enrollees onto one of these three plans by October 1; however, a federal waiver for the state's move has not yet been approved.

As the new Bluegrass Institute report discussed, Kentucky Medicaid spending is growing at an unsustainable pace. Will this move be what the state needs to get the program on track?

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