Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Bobby Sherman's personal $63,000 bailout

Senate President David Williams has been a strong voice of reason for public employee pension reform, so it is more than a little frustrating today to see him justify a huge raise to keep the LRC Director from retiring.

How much will that add to our $27 billion unfunded pension liability and the $1.5 billion in new debt in the current budget, President Williams?

(CLARIFICATION: Apparently, Mr. Sherman signed a contract specifying that his pension will be exactly the same as if he had retired now.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh honey- Directror Sherman needs that money to keep his girlfriend Rita up in style in her brand new patio home in Frankfort (right up from the capitol, in the new berry hill subdivision). Don’t deny the man his shag!
Watch for her pay to go up too before she retires sept 30 (and see how fast she comes BACK)