Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Grover says no bailout

Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform has written a letter to Congress opposing the bank bailout. Here are a couple of excerpts:

"The bailout plan creates a horrible public policy precedent. How is the government supposed to say, “no” to the next ailing industry that comes to Washington with its hand out? Over time, the government’s calming of Schumpeter’s creative gales will result in a poorer America more dependent on the state. For all these reasons, you should oppose the bailout plan."

"Congressional Democrats are seeking to use the opportunity of this bailout bill to reward their friends in labor unions and left wing political activism. Less than ninety days ago, Congress gave billions of dollars to ACORN. Congressional Democrats were able to funnel money to left-wing organizers like ACORN as a condition of passing the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac bailout. President Bush cannot make that same mistake twice. He should commit to veto any package which gives greater resources to groups such as ACORN."

And here is a link to the whole thing. Give 'em hell, Grover.


Hempy said...

Did "Drain the Tub, Bring Down the Bridges" Norquist say anything about the National Association of Realtors, or McCain's lobbyist advisor of Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac, Commercial Banking Lobby, Investment Banking Lobby, Hedge Fund Lobbyists--to name a few? Norquist isn't going to give anyone hell.

Obama has already done that. On 11/10/07 Obama said:

I am in this race to tell the corporate lobbyists that their days of setting the agenda in Washington are over. I have done more than any other candidate in this race to take on lobbyists--and won. They have not funded my campaign, they will not run my White House, and they will not drown out the voices of the American people when I am president.

Give 'em hell, Obama. Norquist doesn't have the cojones to talk like that.

Jason said...

Its all about the Federal Reserve System.

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